Why hiring a ghostwriter is a fabulous idea
Melissa Ormiston Melissa Ormiston

Why hiring a ghostwriter is a fabulous idea

Sometimes it’s harder to express an idea than you thought, which is where hiring a ghostwriter can help. Their writing is your voice just a lot quicker to get down on paper so that you can carry on having more brilliant thoughts.

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12 ways to get those ideas flowing
Melissa Ormiston Melissa Ormiston

12 ways to get those ideas flowing

Aaah. There can be nothing more frustrating than knowing you need to write but how? Where are those new ideas going to come from?

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How to choose the right ghostwriter
Melissa Ormiston Melissa Ormiston

How to choose the right ghostwriter

If you were asking someone to speak at an event on your behalf you would spend some time checking that they were the right person to represent you and it’s no different with writing.

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