12 ways to get those ideas flowing

Aaah. There can be nothing more frustrating than knowing you need to write but how? Where are those new ideas going to come from?

Here are 12 of a multitude of ways that you can get those creative parts of your brain buzzing.

1. Brainstorm

Don’t hold back just write the first things that come into your head without worrying about grammar, spelling or even how silly that random idea may seem.

2. Read

Get inspired by other people’s thoughts, ideas and you’ll be amazed how a line in a book can spark a brand new thought.

3. Look

People watching is a brilliant way of getting ideas about what they might be doing, saying, how they speak, interact. It makes your brain digest what it’s actually seeing.

4. Research

Go to the library and have a look through books on the topic you are interested in and see how it can be reported in different ways and styles. It will get you thinking about how you want to present.

5. Clear your mind

Just sit and do nothing. Close your eyes if it helps. Take a deep breath and then just wait for an idea which will spark another…

6. Get outside

A walk with the dogs will get your mind wandering and nature can be calming and inspiring at the same time.

7. Phone a friend

Bounce ideas off each other, ask them four things that pop into their mind about a subject, ask them what they like, dislike about it and before you know it you will have a long list.

8. Scour the internet

Get prompts online from articles, snippets, opinions, social media just don’t fall into that trap of suddenly finding yourself watching gerbils balancing plates for hours.

9. Look at photos

Take a look in magazines or through your own picture albums to get ideas about situations, people, places. You’ll be taken back in time and you’ll remember more than you realised.

10. Turn on some music

Listening to your favourite music can be relaxing but you can also listen to music from a certain genre to get into the right mode of thought.

11. Use your senses

Smell, taste, touch and sound are all incredible triggers for memories or feelings about something. A particular perfume, type of food, fresh cut grass, what is it about that sound that’s so emotive? Break it down and write it down.

12. Look back at all you have achieved

Whether it be good or bad you will have done several things in your life, write down the ones that have shaped you and you’ll soon be thinking about other situations and people.


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